Area of Expertise
Modelling and simulation, multiphase flows, hydraulic transport.
> 221 publications.
Wide range of collaborations with University colleagues within the UK, EU and worldwide, including: Chalmers University, Dalian University, Imperial College London, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, University College London, Xiamen University, and Universities of Cambridge, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield and Uppsala.
Similar collaborations with industry, regulatory bodies and national research centres including: BGR, CanmetENERGY, CEA, Gexcon, Health & Safety Laboratory, ICHTJ, Ineris, MMI Engineering, National Center for Scientific Research Demokritos, Nuclear Decommissioning Authority, National Nuclear Laboratory, Ocas, Paul Scherrer Institute and Sellafield Ltd.
IChemE Frank Lees Medal (2010). £7.2M funding from: BNFL, EC, EPSRC, MoD, National Grid, NDA, NNL, TSB.