DISTINCTIVE is a multi-disciplinary collaboration of 10 universities and 3 key industry partners from across the UK’s civil nuclear sector.
Academic Lead – Andrea Hamilton
Researcher – TBC
University – University of Strathclyde
This project will focus on understanding the chemistry and mechanics of fracture nucleation in chemically complex materials and will work towards incorporation of novel self-healing technologies.Cement stability will be explored at the nanoscale using atomic force microscopy (AFM), an exciting technique capable of looking at mineral growth and dissolution in real time and in realistic wet environments for the first time. The mechanical effect of chemical alteration will be quantified using high energy X-ray diffraction. The goal of this project to establish a model for understanding the development of strain induced in cement/concrete by chemical alteration through time. Emphasis is given to the long-term durability of cement for encapsulating intermediate level radioactive waste.
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