DISTINCTIVE Goes International
Date: January 21, 2016
Website: http://www.wmsym.org/
DISTINCTIVE will be holding a dedicated technical panel session at the 2016 Waste Management Symposium that will be held in Phoenix, Arizona.
Session Details
- Session: 092 EPSRC DISTINCTIVE Research Programme
- Date: Wednesday 9th March
- Time: 13:30 – 17:00
- Room: 106C
Session Structure
- Collaborative Research Programme in Decommissioning, Immobilisation and Storage Solutions for Nuclear Waste Inventories (DISTINCTIVE) (16466)
- Building Effective Collaborations to Bring Innovation into Waste Management and Decommissioning (16477)
- Novel Approaches for the Study of Corrosion and Ageing of Spent Nuclear Fuel (16467)
- Behaviour of Alpha Emitters in Cement (16139)
- Water Interactions with Actinide Oxides from First Principles: A Computational Study (16470)
- The Consolidation of Glass-Ceramic Wasteforms by Hot Isostatic Pressing: Sample Optimisation (16581)
- Is Glass Degradation only a Surface Effect: What Other Forms of Glass Degradation can Influence the Safety of Vitrified Nuclear Waste Disposal? (16474)
- A Novel Technology for Complex Rheological Measurements (16471)
You are invited to a social in Room 106C immediately after the session. Please take the opportunity to meet the team, to discuss the research presented in more detail, and to explore opportunities for collaboration.
The social has kindly been sponsored by Longenecker & Associates: